Twitter 101

Find your way around Twitter

All buckled in? We’re about to show you the sights.

  1. Home timeline
  2. Stay trendy on Twitter
  3. Let your voice be heard

Home timeline

Log in and check out your Home timeline.

What’s in a timeline?

Your Home timeline is the heart of your Twitter. There, you’ll see all the Tweets from: 

  • Accounts you’re following
  • People talking about your interests 
  • What’s popular, promoted, or shared in your network
Example Home timeline filled with Tweets on the Twitter mobile app

Pro Tip

Change is good

Choose which Tweets you want to see as you scroll your timeline: top Tweets we think you’ll dig, or the latest — first-come, first-served. 

Tap the stars icon at the top of the page to change your content preferences.

The menu option to switch the timeline from top Tweets to latest Tweets

Your timeline is where it’s at

Don’t just look at Tweets — interact with them.

Like to show some 
Reply when you have something to say
Retweet it to say it again 
Quote Tweet it to say it again and add your opinion
Share it off Twitter

A Tweet with labels for Reply, Retweet, Like and Share

Stay trendy on Twitter

We make sure you don’t miss a thing.

The Explore tab is where it’s happening

Up for a self-guided tour? Trek the Explore tab for the best stories in Trending, News, Sports, Entertainment, and more!

An example of the Explore tab on the Twitter mobile app

Try it now

It’s all in the tab name: Explore

Visit the Explore tab now and see what’s trending in your area.Go to Twitter

Check your Notifications timeline

Your Notifications timeline is where you can keep in the loop. See your alerts and customize just the way you want.

An example of the Notifications timeline on the Twitter mobile app

Ready to go deeper? Our Notifications timeline article has you covered.

Let your voice be heard on Twitter

Express yourself on Twitter.

Direct Message someone

Have conversations with the people you choose — without the world seeing it. Connect with someone or a group with a Direct Message. 

Start a new conversation, share Tweets, or share media as a Direct Message.

An example of Direct Messages on the Twitter mobile app

For all things Direct Messages, check out About Direct Messages.

Ready, Set, Tweet

Ready to add your voice to Twitter? Compose a Tweet right from your Home timeline to show the world who you are.

 The Compose button on the Twitter app which looks like a feather quill and a plus sign


Log in to Twitter to see what’s happening

Get in the conversation:

  • React to Tweets on your Home timeline
  • See what’s trending in the Explore tab
  • Stay in the know with your Notification timeline 
  • Reach out with a Direct Message 
  • Share a bit of yourself with a Tweet